India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
We offer our customers with 340V Powder Coating Booth which is specially designed for various industries. It is used to recover the overspray powder during the coating operation.
India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
Powder Coating Booth We are a leading Manufacturer of powder coating oven, cartridge batch powder coating booth, powder coating plant, dry type paint booth with closed door, conveyorised powder coating booth and batch type powder coating booth from Chennai, India.
India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
We Offer’s Cartridge Batch Powder Coating Booth feature an open front design and are ideal for small to mid-size powder applications. To ensure cartridge filters remain clean, this booth is built with a purge control feature, which assures the safe operation of the coatings enclosure by maintaining the airflow at design levels. During operation, powder accumulates on the cartridge filters, and as the cartridge filters load, airflow decreases and negative pressure rises within the air handler. A timer activates a system of air purging valves that clear the cartridge filters of accumulated powder to ensure maximum filter life. A self-pulsing system continuously cleans cartridge filters for longer filter life. With the addition of a fluidized bed and pump, unused powder can be reclaimed for future powder application.
India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
The powder coating booth offered by us is a sheet steel enclosure and a cyclone recovery unit with supporting elements. It is designed to provide uniform airflow over the entry cross-section of the booth without any air whirls or dead pockets and ensure powder recovery 80% to 85% depending up to particle size distribution in the powder. The powder coating booth enclosure (panels & dooms) made from 18 SWG CR Sheets The cyclone recovery unit couple to powder coating booth b y a joint powder suction ducting.
India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
The Single Cyclone Powder Coating Booth offered by us is a sheet steel enclosure and a cyclone recovery unit with supporting elements. It is designed to provide uniform air flow over the entry cross – section of the booth without any air whirls or dead pockets and ensure powder recovery 80% to 85% depending up to particle size distribution in the powder. The powder coating booth enclosure (panels & dooms) made from 18 SWG CR SheetsThe cyclone recovery unit couple to powder coating booth by a joint powder suction ducting.
Being a client-centric organization, we are engaged in offering Single Cyclone Powder Coating Booth. Fabricated with the aid of modern tools and machines, these Single Cyclone Booths are manufactured using high-grade aluminum that is sourced from the reliable vendors of the industry. Post-production, these Single Cyclone Booths are checked on various parameters to ensure flawlessness.
India ( Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab only) & All other countries
Owing to our rich experience and vast knowledge of this domain, we have been able to offer supreme quality Single Operator Powder Coating Booth to our valuable customers. Designed in conformity with industry laid standards, these Powder Coating Booth are highly appreciated for their steady performance, robust design, low maintenance, and longer operational life.